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West Side Story |Broadway 2020

West Side Story |Broadway 2020

It all started in Brooklyn. Of course.

"Heather...come along, there's a lot more to see." Mrs. Behrend's voice trailed somewhere off in the distance. It was the Vanity Fair exhibit at the Met and my second grade class were jostling around me trying to move on to the next shiny thing beyond the glass. Absolutely transfixed, I was glued to the spot. Luminous acid yellow silk looped and skittered across the mannequin's shoulders, cascading to a shimmering pool that trailed across the floor. It was magnificent. Lanvin, I think. That part didn't matter. I was 7 years old. Didn't know what fashion was, or how it worked, but in that moment, I knew I just wanted to be a part of it.

So now, all these moons later, I have broadened my horizons, crafting the colorful, impossible and the insane for Broadway, TV and film….occasionally designing womenswear, illustrating otherworldly blue ladies and spreading my joyous and fabulous foolishness everywhere I possibly can.

And painting stripes all over my apartment. So. Many. STRIPES.


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